Please note: Our materials may be duplicated and distributed freely but they may NOT be altered or modified in any way, nor may they be used without attribution and/or a link to the original source. Thank you.
We strongly recommend that, when using the posters and the video, they be accompanied by our complementing literature for complete information about the imperative of living vegan.
Letter From A Vegan World(alsoin German, Spanish, Italian, French and Dutch)
At a time when most animal rights organizations are actively promoting, advocating and rewarding "humane" animal products and farming methods, I am writing to you on behalf of three of the recipients of that mercy...
"Cage-Free" Eggs Vs. Battery Eggs – Can You Tell the Difference? • Pamphlet, 5.5 x 8.5(also in Portuguese) • Leaflet, 8.5x11 • Poster, 2'x4'
The side by side comparison of the life and death of battery caged hens and “cage-free” hens. Debunking the myth of cruelty free egg production.
• Humane Farming - an Oxymoron
(also in Norwegian, Portuguese and Spanish) The Truth about so called “humanely produced” dairy, eggs and meat in the wake of massive PR campaigns by the animal exploiting industries and retailers.
"Economically, it is not possible for farmers to keep retired cows on the farm.... Organically raised cows will stay a part of the herd for an average of 6-8 years verses conventionally raised cows who only average 4 years...." (PPS: this means that organically raised cows have two more years of emotional and physical suffering and two more of their newborn babies stolen from them and murdered for Veal).
"We require that the packing plants (another word for slaughterhouse) get certified before we will do business. This means that our animals must be processed (brutally slaughtered) separately with clean equipment. This also means that they cannot use chemicals or pesticides in the plant." Organic Valley/CROPP Cooperative
Consumer Relations
• How Do You Say, "Don't Kill Me"? (also in German, Portuguese and Spanish)
A "food" animal's perspective. The truth about "humane" farming.
• Milk Comes from a Grieving Mother - 23"x35"Poster (PDF)
Lena, a mother cow’s perspective of her experience as a dairy cow. The truth about organic dairy.
•We Know Our Victims Well , 36, 24"x9"Posters (PDF)
Large, print-ready versions of most of the images in the series, We Know Our Victims Well.
(Please note that some of the images have been replaced with high resolution alternatives for better print quality).
See as Slideshow
•I Am Someone, 8, 24"x16"Posters (JPG)
A series of harrowing portraits of farmed animals. See the Slideshow
•Being Someone, 10, 60"x40"Posters (JPG)
This series of images asks the question:
What does it feel like to a sensitive, intelligent individual to be loved, to be safe, to be at peace, to be seen and treated as someone, the way Sanctuary animals are? And what must it feel like to the same individual to be treated as a mere something to be confined, mutilated and killed for someone's whim?
See the Slideshow
• "Life Itself" - 24"x36"Poster
"To You, it's only a meal; to Him, it's life itself"
PPS Slide Shows To present our slide shows at your next outreach event, simply download the individual images available at the links below and use your computer's default photo editing software (such as Apple's iPhoto, or Vista's Windows Photo Gallery) to play the slide shows on your laptop or project them on a large screen.
We found that the following settings work best:
• Slide duration: 5 seconds (min)
• Transition: Dissolve
• Automatic Ken Burns effect: OFF (leaving it on makes the headlines hard to read)
• Loop show I Am Someone A series of harrowing portraits of farmed animals.
Click here to preview.
Click here to download the individual Posters (24"x16")
Being Someone This series of images asks the question:
What does it feel like to a sensitive, intelligent individual to be loved, to be safe, to be at peace, to be seen and treated as someone, the way Sanctuary animals are? And what must it feel like to the same individual to be treated as a mere something to be confined, mutilated and killed for someone's whim? Click here to preview.
Click here to download the individual 60"x40" Posters Subjects of a Life
(We Know Our Victims Well) A series that honors our profound ties and similarities with persons of other species: self awareness, a desire to love and be loved, an ability to hope, remember, grieve, mend.
The Faces of "Free-Range" Farming
If you want to present this video on a large screen, please contact us at and request a high resolution version.
When showing The Faces of "Free-Range" Farming, please offer our complementing literature, for complete information on the imperative of living vegan.