Personality Profiles
Three Passionate Pigs ~ Lucas & Petunia • • • Celeste ~
Mindful Hens ~ Sweetie • • • Cinderella • • • Louise ~
Fascinating Turkeys ~ Melvin, Stanley, Alfred, Elmer and Archie ~
One Eccentric Goose ~ The Goose formerly known as Lucifer ~
The Brainy Bovine Bunch ~ Justice, Sherman and Daisy ~
A Born Leader ~ Michael the Goat ~
It's easy to forget that farmed animals are individuals. If we ever see them at all, we see them as herds whose members seem mindless and undifferentiated.
Yet each animal is an individual who brings to the world the mystery of a mind, a heart, a language, a memory, a unique personality, a biography.
Because we rarely see farmed animals in our daily lives, we seem unable to truly see them even when we come face to face with them. We can barely distinguish one goat from another, one cow from her sister, one pig from his friend. Read the stories above and take a closer look...
Sherman Memorial & Appreciation Fund
We thank all of you who have helped our work with donations In Loving Memory of your beloved family members and friends.
Thank You for the loving donations made in Memory of Becky & Sherman:
Mary Twait,
Dennis & Pat P.
Lawrence & Fran F.
Karla & James H
Terri V.
James S.
Gary & Vickie L.
Paul & Marian M.
Cynthia W.
Suzanne S.
Sue L.
Bonnie D.
Patty R.
Fox Valley Forge
Green Bay Drop Forge
In loving memory of Priscilla, the crippled hen, who taught me how to hear the living soul in every sound she uttered.
Joanna Lucas
Words are failing me, Sherman. There is no way to express how much we loved you. Your heart and soul were even bigger than your head! You were our hero and our inspiration for veganism. You were also the reason many a barn was only half cleaned, as the urge to touch you was overwhelming and too powerful to stop.
You are an icon for those who knew you and will be a catalyst for change until the end of time.
With all of our love,
Gabe and Amanda
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